Prof.Dr.Hj. Suhendar.,SE.,SH.,LLM.

President of aui

We are all working very hard to ensure that our students have the academic resources and employable skills they need to contribute to continuous development and transformation. This will prepare our students with the expertise, abilities, and mind-sets required for the job. The faculty at AUI is without a doubt its best attribute. Everyone in the university community is conscious of the organisation. Without any hesitation, AUI is a place with renowned academic programmes, gifted and passionate lecturers, and employees who genuinely care about students. Let us feel honoured to be a part of this dynamic academic community, and together, we can change the world.

Prof. Dr. SIR Manuel Freire Garabal Y Nunez.,PhD. H., MBA., LLB.

Director cum Chancellor

Education is the bridge that connects nations, and as Chancellor of ASEAN University International, I am committed to nurturing this bridge for a brighter, united future. Innovation knows no boundaries, and neither should education. Together, we will empower the minds of ASEAN’s youth to lead us into a prosperous tomorrow. ASEAN University International stands as a beacon of knowledge and enlightenment, guiding our students to become global citizens who can shape the destiny of our region.

Prof.Dr.Ir. Alfian Zein M.Sc.,Ph.D.


AUI will maintain its success in offering top-notch education over time. In addition to better facilities and a better learning environment, AUI strives to produce students of the highest calibre who will benefit society as a whole. I am confident that the students’ knowledge, skills, and imbuement with Islamic beliefs, principles, and spirits would be beneficial to the development of not only their own countries but also all of humanity.


Prof. Mohd Dzahir Bin Bahari, Ph.D


Prof. Datuk Dr. Yahya Ibrahim​


Prof.Dr. H. Taryono, SH.,SE.,MBA.,MSi.,MHi.​


Dr. Ritchie Young Jian Niang​


Prof.Dr.Ir. Alfian Zein M.Sc.,Ph.D. ​


Prof.Dr.H. Eggi Sudjana.SH.M.Si .​


Prof.Dr.H. Sunarno Edy Wibowo, S.H., MHum.​


Prof. Drs. Mohammad Hatta, SE.,MBA.,Ph.D.


Prof. Dr. Drs. H. R. Muchtar Herman Putra, B.Ac., S.H., M.H.

Dean Faculty of Law

Dr. Abdullah Bustanul Ariefin​

Dean of Tourism

Prof. Dr. Soemardjijo SE, A.K,C.A

Dean of Economic

Drs. Erman Anom, M.M,.Ph.D.​

Dean of Communication

Dr. Lalu Pharmanegara, S.Pd., S.H., LL.M.

Dean of Humanity

Prof. Dr. Adji husodo SH,M.Si.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilyas Indra, S.HI., MH., MM

Dean of Education


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